Hayley Common Board Meeting #37 – February 21, 2023
Hayley Common Board Meeting
Wednesday, February 21, 2023
Unit 90, Building F
Present: Heather, Evan, Ken, Lynda, Lori
MAL: Kristine
Called to order 5:05 PM
Review of Previous minutes: all reviewed
President/Treasurer’s Report:
Monthly Financials were discussed - Heather is going to follow up with Terry regarding water bill, common area cleaning charges and snow clearing. Lori will post income statements on the website.
Actual vs Budget was discussed - The actual period and budget period need to be the same as well it would be helpful to have a variance column. Heather will follow up with Terry about these suggestions.
Parking & Maintenance Report:
$551 has been spent on maintenance since the last meeting.
Discussion about the parking stall that had been broken by the owner. They will be invoiced for the cost of supplies as well as the time to fix. It was recommended that we hire an outside contractor for these repairs in the future.
Outdoor bulbs were discussed and it was agreed that Evan would order 2 dozen so we would have a few extras.
Garage lights were discussed and all agreed we would use the regular lights instead of the flood lights going forward.
Old Business:
Intercoms - Heather is trying to book the assessments of the intercoms for those who responded on March 7th. Will update after the meeting. Will look for access for a few unit owners.
Painting Quotes - Heather had gotten 3 quotes for painting the inside of the buildings. The board decided to proceed with Buhle Painting. Heather will connect with them about booking for September/October and completing 2 buildings every year.
Personal Items in the Hallway - There are a few units that still have personal items in the hallway. Terry is aware and will proceed with a fine as multiple notices have been sent.
New Rules and Regulations - These have been communicated by email and are now posted at the entrances of all the buildings as well as on the website.
New Business:
Shed - Evan obtained 3 quotes for a shed on the property as we are no longer renting the garage. A location would have to be found. It was decided not to proceed with the shed at this time.
Property Maintenance Bids - Heather obtained 3 quotes for 2024/2025. The board decided to proceed with XXXX. Heather is going to follow up on their equipment to confirm it would meet our needs. She will then set up a site visit with Evan and Ken.
Garage Issues - Still waiting for the report from Priority Restoration that should have recommendations of ways we can proceed with solving the drainage issues. Discussion about raising the condo fees for garage owners due to the garage fund being low. Will discuss further once we have more information about possible solutions.
App for planning/communication - It was felt that communication by whatsapp is working well so no further changes will occur at this time.
Dusk to dawn lights - These don’t appear to be working well so will not be proceeding with changing anymore buildings at this time.
New Board Members - Kevin has resigned from his position on the board. Heather will get the keys from him. Next email communication will include the need for additional board members. Specific positions required include: secretary, treasurer and website/social media person.
Pigeon Issue - An exterminator will be contacted to see what solutions they recommend due to the ongoing pigeon issues in a few buildings.
Exterminator boxes - Discussion about exterminator boxes again. It was decided not to proceed at this time.
Concluded: 6:45pm
Next Mtg: March 20th - Location TBD