Hayley Common Rules & Regulations were updated by the board April 2021 - they have been printed and posted on both bulletin boards in each building and will also be sent via email to all Owners & Residents in May 2021.
Rules and Regulations of Hayley Common
Condominium Corporation
"Common Element" Article 1:02 e) and "Common Area" is defined as in the Hayley Common Condominiums (Winnipeg Condo Corporation (WCC) #830) Declaration: ‘The Common Element means all property except the units.’
The (Condo) Board has all rights to any common element areas, and to regulate any/all areas (established or future) common element areas of Hayley Common Condominiums (property). These elements include all gravel, flower/shrub beds, grassed and paved areas, parking stalls, garages, patios, balconies, entrances, stairwells, hallways and storage units.
Method of communication to the Board directly shall be made via email: hayleycommon2019@gmail.com. Contact information regarding the Property Manager is found on the bulletin boards. Communications from the Board to owners will primarily be via email unless otherwise directed by legislation (including the Declaration and By-Laws).
1. No part of the property shall be used by anyone in such a manner so as to interfere with the use and enjoyment of the units or the common elements.
2. No one shall harm, mutilate, destroy, alter or litter any of the landscaping work on the property.
3. The sidewalks or entrances shall not be obstructed or used for any purpose other than ingress to, and egress from the units and parking areas within the property.
4. No ornaments may be added, or additional plants installed on the common areas, including alcoves or shrub beds without permission from the Board.
5. No unit may be used for any short-term rentals, such as AirBNB, or other businesses that require frequent non-residents to park in the lot or enter the buildings.
6. New owners must submit contact information to the Board/Property Manager immediately (or prior to) after moving into a unit.
7. All landlords must have their tenants complete a registration form before moving in and submit it to the Property Manager and supply their tenants with all relevant rules regarding the Corporation, including these Rules and Regulations. Landlords must forward all pertinent notices to their tenants such as, but not limited to, lot clearing or pesticide applications.
8. In accordance with Rule #1, every effort should be made to reduce cigarette and marijuana smoke permeating the hallways. Smoking in the hallways and entrances (inside and out) is forbidden. The dumping of cigarette butts is an offence, as covered in Rule #2 and subject to a fine.
9. Any stains and damage made to the hallway carpets will be cleaned or replaced at the owner’s expense.
10. All owners and residents must provide the Board with licence plate numbers of all vehicles that belong to them which will be parked on the property.
11. Under law, fire lanes must be clear of all vehicles all the time. Unless the Board is aware of situations that require temporary arrangements, all vehicles parked in the fire lanes will be towed, immediately.
12. No motor vehicle shall be driven on any part of the property other than on the paved parking lot.
13. No motor vehicle other than a currently licenced and insured vehicle in working order shall be parked in any exterior parking space within the property. Without limiting the generality of the forgoing and for purposes of greater clarity, no motor homes or other recreational vehicles, tractors, boats, trailers of any kind, snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), machinery, storage pods, or equipment of any nature or kind are to be permitted to park in any open area within the property without prior approval from the Board. Residents who are residing off-site for longer periods of time (during the winter) must arrange for someone to move vehicles if needed.
14. Save for emergency repairs, no repairs, or adjustments to motor vehicles may be carried out on the property, except within the garages.
15. The Board has the right to reassign stalls, as required.
16. No residents (owners and tenants) may use Visitor Parking to park their vehicles, except in cases of an emergency. Visitors may use visitor parking without authorization between the hours of 7:00 AM and 12:00 PM. Visitors who are staying late must register with the Board by 10:00 PM.
17. Authorized Overnight Parking (AOP): All overnight guests must be registered with the Board by no later than 10:00 PM via email to dmcdougall1@shaw.ca. With that registration, residents must provide the unit #, licence plate, make, colour and length of anticipated stay. Registration will allow the Board to monitor the number of visits. The fee schedule is as follows:
Residents are allowed one free AOP per month. Additional nights would be $5.00 per night. Alternatively, residents may rent a tag at a cost of $20.00 per ten visits, or $50.00 for thirty visits. AOP tags will be issued for any visits over two nights. The tags must be displayed. Once the term of the tag has been exhausted, the tag must be returned. If a tag is lost the renter will pay $25 for a new one. Overuse of tags may result in the owner being fined in compliance with the Condominium Act of Manitoba Section 218(1). Since towing in the early hours of the morning may not always be possible, any vehicles found to be in violation of this rule may be towed in the night, or the next time the car is found in the lot, or fines will be issued to the owner of the unit.
18. The Board/Property Manager will notify all owners via email when the parking lot is to be cleared of snow or sand, or for painting or repairs. All residents will, subsequently, move their vehicles to the highway. All power cords must be draped over the electric plug fence when not in use to avoid damage when snow clearing of the lots and sidewalks is being completed.
19. Residents are asked to remove their vehicles, regardless of whether a notice is sent out, if there is a snow fall of four inches or more until the lot is cleared to prevent build up in the stalls.
Patios and Balconies/Storage
20. No storage of flammable or offensive goods, provisions, or material shall be kept on any part of the common elements. Barbecue propane tanks may be stored on "exclusive use" common element in conjunction with a barbecue, as well as one’s garage.
21. The patios and balconies may not be used for storage of any item other than for the enjoyment of the outdoor areas, such as patio furniture, children’s toys, planters, Outside storage cupboards, one or two plastic storage containers and ornaments. Bikes are permitted to be stored on patios and balconies. Commercial pails/containers may not be stored on the areas.
22. Recycling and garbage containers must not be stored on any common areas. Waste must be disposed of, broken down and must fit in the provided garbage or recycling bins and not left next to waste bins. Large items must be taken directly to the municipal dump or in the trailer behind the old Co-op station on Main St where items can be dropped off.
23. No appliances or derelict furniture may be stored on the common areas other than the garages.
24. No building, structure or tent shall be erected, located, kept or maintained on the common elements.
25. No part of the property shall be used by the owners for the erection, placing or maintenance of clotheslines, incinerators, garbage disposal equipment, fences or other barriers without the written consent of the Board.
26. No television antenna, aerial, satellite dish or tower shall be erected or stored on any part of the property (including on "exclusive use" common element patio/balcony areas).
27. All holiday lights must be turned off by January 15th of each year and removed from patios, balconies and hallways by May 1. Ornaments may be displayed within the confines of the glass partition on patios and balconies and attached by wire, string or clips only.
28. Exterior wall decorations must be kept to a minimum, and with the Board’s approval. All holes and damage will be repaired at the owner’s expense.
29. Floors on the balconies and patios must be left in their original state. No paint may be applied, or permanent flooring installed. The Corporation takes no responsibilities for damage incurred by any such application when the unit is sold.
30. No signs, billboards, notices or other advertising matter of any kind shall be placed on any part of the property, including the windows, except for the bulletin boards in the entrances, without the prior written consent of the Board. This includes; ‘For Sale’ and political signs.
31. All barbeques must be at least two feet away from any painted stucco when being used. Any damage incurred from the use of a barbeques will result in the owner paying for the entire wall to be repaired and/or repainted.
32. All pets must be registered with the Board for monitoring and emergencies. A photograph of all dogs must be submitted.
33. As per the Declaration, any acquisition of any pets on a permanent/fostering basis must be preapproved by the Board. A form must be completed, and a photograph of the pet submitted to the Board/Property Manager prior to acquisition.
34. As of February 1, 2019 new owners will be allowed a maximum of two dogs. There will be a three months’ probation in terms of suitability to condo life and behaviour.
35. Owners of dogs who display extreme aggressive behavior or cause annoyance to others by excessive and/or chronic barking, may be subject to warnings, fines and expulsion of the dog.
36. Dogs must always be on a leash outside the unit. Owners are permitted to walk their dogs on the west, east, and north grassed areas, as well as sidewalks and paved areas of the property. Dogs are not permitted on greenspaces between the buildings.
37. All animal feces on any common elements, including patios and balconies, must be cleaned up by the owner and disposed of immediately. Fines for not cleaning up are, as follows: first offence $25.00 and subsequent incidents are $100.00 each.
Please note that when any of these Rules, or any aspect of the By-Laws, Declaration or Legislation is ignored or broken, the Board has the right to fine after one warning. Failure to pay this fine will result in a lien against the property.
Hayley Common Condominiums (WCC #830) Last Revision: April 2021 Final Draft.